What if MY teacher got beheaded?

Yasser Louati
5 min readOct 21, 2020

Reflection on the assassination of Samuel Paty, the history teacher we can all relate to.

When I was a schoolboy, grade school student, high school student, I was the kind of student I would have hated to have today. Most of my report cards came down to “Smart but too chatty, distracted, noisy…” or “Could do better and we don’t know what to do with him”.

“Louati! Your place is



Yasser Louati

Paris born, Africa/US raised; Head of the Committe for Justice & Liberties; Podcasts #LesIdéesLibres🇫🇷 & #LeBreakdown🇬🇧🇺🇸; Columnist @ The New Arab