#Podcast White Rage On Capitol Hill #LeBreakdown

Yasser Louati
27 min readJan 8, 2021

Let’s stop pretending the attempted coup is “unamerican” or a shocking surprise. Guest: Tory Russell, Movement For Blak Lives Organizer

Tory Russell on Le Breakdown With Yasser Louati “White rage on Capitol Hill”

After Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill to contest Joe Biden’s election and left 5 people dead and an outraged political and media elites, questions remain on what this event reveals and what the aftermath would look like for America.



Yasser Louati

Paris born, Africa/US raised; Head of the Committe for Justice & Liberties; Podcasts #LesIdéesLibres🇫🇷 & #LeBreakdown🇬🇧🇺🇸; Columnist @ The New Arab