From Left to Right: the islamophobia consensus in France

Yasser Louati
23 min readFeb 16, 2021

When a “center government” Min. of Interior says the far right is “too soft on Islam”, islamophobia is indeed the center of gravity of French politics.

Podcast Le Breakdown with Yasser Louati: From Left to Right: the antimuslim consensus in France

From the rush to Africa to the birth of the fifth Republic in 1958 following a pro Charles de Gaulle coup d’État, from the French Revolution in 1789 to the fall of the Vichy Regime in 1945, has France really distance…



Yasser Louati

Paris born, Africa/US raised; Head of the Committe for Justice & Liberties; Podcasts #LesIdéesLibres🇫🇷 & #LeBreakdown🇬🇧🇺🇸; Columnist @ The New Arab